My comment:
It never ceases to amaze me on how those we least expect can influence our days or even our lives. The good thing is you noticed the demeaor of the person who took your order and gave it to you and you embraced it and it impacted you ever since. I really feel you on not wanting to accept things that are just not right like our school systems but one think I had to really focus on was what can I do each day to make some difference and that difference is to touch and impact the lives of my students. The system may be faulty but our students are our future leaders for tomorrow and they will be the ones who make change happen. This concept is really real for me as I teach in a small district in a small city and most people never leave that city. And my philosophy about things that that go wrong is "If it cannot kill me then there will be a tomorrow to get it right". This really bothers some people because they say that I don't let anything get to me but it's better to enjoy life than die suffering through it.
Megan's Original Post:
I have a great example of how we can make a difference in the people we influence each day. I have a difficult time getting up and making breakfast before work so I typically end up stopping for some kind of fast food on the way to work. One day a few weeks ago I decided to give up the 7-eleven food and try a different place so I went to the Chick-fil-a.
The person taking and giving me my order could have easily thought, “I am a no body, just taking an order what difference does it make?” Instead she was a leader from right where she was seated. What I mean is that I approached that drive thru with a negative attitude thinking, “I don’t want to be up this morning, and really don’t want to go deal with teenagers either.” Just from the one interaction with the lady at Chick-fil-a, I drove off thinking, “I have some warm food, and I am awake. I should make the best of my day.” It really was simple all the lady did was take my order and hand me some food, but she did it in a way that made me feel like she was happy to be alive. I do not remember the exact words that we exchanged but I was in such a good mood, and I have eaten at that Chick-fil-a every morning since then, and each morning she leads me to a happier day.
Chapter 6 is what I live my life by. I am a firm believer in Rule Number 6. When we take things too seriously, we often get bogged down, life is too long to get stuck in the mud.
Chapter 7 really hit me hard. Some things such as the weather I have no problem accepting the way they are because it is clear to me that I DO NOT have the power to change the weather. When it comes to other situations such as how broken the public school system is, I just cannot accept it. I think if I learned to accept it then move on from there then I would have a better chance of making things better. I really enjoyed this chapter and I will do my best to just come to grips with things the way they are and go from there.
I am really passionate about soccer. It is weird because when it comes to many things in life I have the “Fuck It” attitude. I just don’t care when things go wrong. I live and think this way to avoid frustration and disappointment. When it comes to soccer though I am like the six year old running with her instrument loaded with excitement not b/c she just played but because she is ABOUT to play. I have this glow of enthusiasm around me before, after, and during playing, coaching, watching, or refereeing soccer.
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