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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wk 4 The Art of Possibility Chapters 9-12

Leaders grow Leaders
image from

The process of enrollment. This is such an important factor in every subject that is being taught in school. As teachers were should be compelled to enroll our students into our subjects and create that spark that will keep them, engage them and allow them to embrace new knowledge.

What I got from Being the Board is that I am my own person take responsibility for how I react to others and situations. I try to relay this message to my students on a daily basis. There was no answer in the text of this generation of students who are so vocal and reactive to their environment so my conclusion was to be the example and tell them.

Framing the Possibility is simply put embracing change to make a difference in the lives of others. The story of the little girl coming to school after chemo and the children taking her scarf off her head and laughing when the teacher shaved her head was a dramatic but life changing event for the all the students involved. But we may not have to be as dramatic as this teacher but as educator we will encounter students with unusual circumstances that often times words cannot fix but action an create an event to change the tone of everyone we come in contact with and with clarity being able to decide how.

When Telling the We Story, we are often faced with administrators that don't care about the we story. They just want the job done, so they can explain how they got to their destination using the whole. I have worked with several administrators and cannot help but point out how where I am now compared to where I was before. I am definitely in a place where we is able to reason and work together for the common goal of good of educating our students. 

Wk 4 Comment 2

Karen's original comment:

Telling the WE Story

The Art of Possibilities was a great read.  This week I enjoyed reading about The WE approach.  So many times we operate from fear and don't consider the good of all involved.  The story of the couple troubled by the woman's need for revenge and the story of Roz and her sister were reminders of how we can get stuck. It is important to reach out and take risks in our relationships.

My favorite story from Telling the WE Story was the one about South Africa and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).  I have heard of the great works of Nelson Mandela and the Rev. Desmund Tutu.  I had not heard about the TRC.   Learning that a government used this approach to begin healing relationship after apartheid was incredible.  That kind of relationship building is exactly what we need in the United States.  It is hard to believe what is true and what is not in American government.  The media seems to have its own agenda.   The US seems to be creating more distance between the classes rather than building the nation as a whole.  We have also done a lot of damage in our relationships with other foreign countries.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to have elected officials who ALL approached governance by telling the WE story.  Maybe then all citizens of the world could meet their basic needs and  have access to basic human rights like affordable education and health care.  The possibility is there.

Reading The Art of Possibility made me think of the song Imagine by John Lennon.  Imagine all the people living life in peace.  Reaching out to others, not taking ourselves to seriously, and realizing everything we need to make the world a better place is already here are the messages I will take from this book. They are the messages I will take with me as I graduate from Full Sail and move into a new phase in my life.

Marsona's Response

I enjoyed the reading this week as well. The I really related to reaching out to my students because this is something I have always done. The thing I am struggling with as they leave me going on to high school is keeping in touch with them when I there are so many educators that feel that the bond that was developed was not real and just let them go. I beg to differ though as I want to be at their high school and college graduations.

Wk 4 Comment 1

John’s Original Post
I am looking at the Publishing Leadership Project, and as I reflect on the fallacy I have labored under for 2 weeks that this was an optional project, I think to myself where the H311 Did I get this information from!! It reminds me of the value of good information, the disaster of operating under faulty information, and the blessing God has given me to have this degree the level of seriousness for this program thus far. It is truly been a ride and a few years ago, it would have eaten me alive!

But I digress…
After chatting with "Instructor B". over the parameters of the project, I am able to shake my procedural bout of “pre-project” butterflies about this thing and get into it with the same zeal I have been doing everything non-Lit Review the last year.
As I reflect on my path in the CBR, I thought very much about the twists and turns I have taken in my CBR and I would very much like to spend a little more time going into a potential course of action for a Phase Three based on the challenges that I have observedbased in my research. It would be a perfect way to add some form of personal commentary in a type of research that does not allow for any. I thought about speaking to some of that here but did a 180, as it would negate the need for me to do the Project and I would still have to do it anyway.

...Irony at it’s finest.

My Response
John, I must say that I feel your pain. Since I had my surgery last week, I did not have time for confusion and I was confused. But after listening to Wimba and reading the material, I think I have gotten this all completed. This month for me was, as some others have been, one of those that your thrust from your expected to doing what is completely unexpected and then you say Huh!!! At least that is what I did. But guess what, we did it. This project is really taking me to the next level. I will not be able to present, but will certainly strive to get my lit review published. This is really exciting.

Wk 4 MAC Final Blog Post

image from
Well this month has met me with possibly more challenges than most since having quite a lot to blog about, keeping up with reading, having surgery this month, making Wimba or posting a blog, presenting my CBR, and creating my paper to publish. I'm glad I hung in there this month because so many told me to drop out until next month because of surgery, but I persevered.

I have created to think out loud blogs this month and you can view and comment on the first one by just clicking on this think out loud 1 link. The next blog can be viewed and commented on by clicking on this think out loud 2 link.

And last but not least, below I have also included a link to my Leadership Publishing Project. I hope you find the information presented to be most interesting and helpful.
Leadership Publication Project Paper

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wk 4 Pt 2 Think Out Loud

image from freedigitalimages.net
Now I have looked at quite a few of the Dr. Bedard’s resources for publishing and I think I have narrowed down my search. Iste – Journal of Research on Technology in Education and Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education. Both journal give specific information on how to submit and the precise submission format, of which most, I have already completed.  Through my research, I want to show that the use of Digital Technology in the classroom will increase student engagement and help to shorten the gap of students who otherwise would not be as motivated and interested in becoming advocates of their own learning. I have provided a the link below for you to select to review my leadership project. Please comment as you please.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wk 4 Pt 1 Think Out Loud - Where Do I Want To Publish

image from

After reading the requirements for the Project/Leadership publishing assignments, I thought it would be best that I working on publishing an article for several reasons. One being that I had surgery and the time constraints left me just made it more appropriate for me to present. I have been looking into several journals in which to submit and did not realize just how simple it is to have my work published.  As I continue researching, I am narrowing my search down to computing and learning journals for educators. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wk 3 Blog Comment: Presentation or Paper

Pencil on Paper
Image from

Hi Regina,

I am having the same struggle with deciding to do the Paper or Presentation as well. But as time draws closer, I think that I will have to do the paper. If you are doing the presentation, I would like to know what are you presenting. Since I am having surgery, this month, it just seems feasible for me to just do the paper. And anyway, I do have something to say. I checking to see, but I am completing my CBR on Professional Development and classroom instruction using media rich content and technology. I really think it's high time that educators embrace the fact that our students are more responsive when using technology than just using traditional book, handouts and transparencies.

Regina Henry's Original Blog Post:

The big question for me over the last two weeks has been Paper or Presentation? I know I’m not the only one that has to make this decision. It has been a long haul over the last eleven months and now it approaching twelve. I would love to have someone publish my work, but I’ve decided to present.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wk 3 Blog Comment: The Art of Possibility

My comment:

It never ceases to amaze me on how those we least expect can influence our days or even our lives. The good thing is you noticed the demeaor of the person who took your order and gave it to you and you embraced it and it impacted you ever since. I really feel you on not wanting to accept things that are just not right like our school systems but one think I had to really focus on was what can I do each day to make some difference and that difference is to touch and impact the lives of my students. The system may be faulty but our students are our future leaders for tomorrow and they will be the ones who make change happen. This concept is really real for me as I teach in a small district in a small city and most people never leave that city. And my philosophy about things that that go wrong is "If it cannot kill me then there will be a tomorrow to get it right". This really bothers some people because they say that I don't let anything get to me but it's better to enjoy life than die suffering through it.

Megan's Original Post:

I have a great example of how we can make a difference in the people we influence each day. I have a difficult time getting up and making breakfast before work so I typically end up stopping for some kind of fast food on the way to work. One day a few weeks ago I decided to give up the 7-eleven food and try a different place so I went to the Chick-fil-a.

The person taking and giving me my order could have easily thought, “I am a no body, just taking an order what difference does it make?” Instead she was a leader from right where she was seated. What I mean is that I approached that drive thru with a negative attitude thinking, “I don’t want to be up this morning, and really don’t want to go deal with teenagers either.” Just from the one interaction with the lady at Chick-fil-a, I drove off thinking, “I have some warm food, and I am awake. I should make the best of my day.” It really was simple all the lady did was take my order and hand me some food, but she did it in a way that made me feel like she was happy to be alive. I do not remember the exact words that we exchanged but I was in such a good mood, and I have eaten at that Chick-fil-a every morning since then, and each morning she leads me to a happier day.
Chapter 6 is what I live my life by. I am a firm believer in Rule Number 6. When we take things too seriously, we often get bogged down, life is too long to get stuck in the mud.
Chapter 7 really hit me hard. Some things such as the weather I have no problem accepting the way they are because it is clear to me that I DO NOT have the power to change the weather. When it comes to other situations such as how broken the public school system is, I just cannot accept it. I think if I learned to accept it then move on from there then I would have a better chance of making things better. I really enjoyed this chapter and I will do my best to just come to grips with things the way they are and go from there.
I am really passionate about soccer. It is weird because when it comes to many things in life I have the “Fuck It” attitude. I just don’t care when things go wrong. I live and think this way to avoid frustration and disappointment. When it comes to soccer though I am like the six year old running with her instrument loaded with excitement not b/c she just played but because she is ABOUT to play. I have this glow of enthusiasm around me before, after, and during playing, coaching, watching, or refereeing soccer.

Wk 3 Reading: The Art of Possibility

Moving in the right direction
image from
The point that stood out for me in chapter 5 was the importance of embracing those you are in authority over or that you teach as leaders themselves. Being able to embrace them as important beings to the cause increased their aptitude to perform and help the musicians to connect with the job conductor and the better understand the his job. Also, leaders are everywhere, and the obstacle to overcome is being able to identify te moment to allow them to assume a leadership role and allow them to lead.

The idea expressed in chapter 6 to "remember rule number 6" is one that I can personally relate to wholeheartedly. I don't really know where this undertone in my life evolved from but i do relate to the concept very well. The idea that difficult people in our lives are made up of those whom we cannot control to give our own self a boost has really brought me to an ah ha moment. Within ourselves, it is important to do things that will bring personal satisfaction and be able to experience moments of reaching our goas. In calculating self while getting in touch with the central self is not an easy task, but it is the central self that controls our actions, how we think and sometimes even how we treat other.

"The capacity to be present to everything that is happening, without resistance, creates possibility." When I read that phrase, the words "what are my alternatives?" come to mind. I believe it is just apart of human nature to concentrate on things that are not the way, we feel, they should be. Undoubtedly, when we feel that things are not as they should be, we foster the attitudes of negativity unti we find our way to see alternatives. What I take away from this chapter is we have a choice to focus on what should be or what the possibilities are. It is often times easier to focus on what should be based on our personal standards and it takes work to embrace the reality of what is and focus on what could be.

Giving way to the passions in our lives can be somewhat a difficult taks when being bombarded by distractions and limitations that surround our every being. Chapter 8 suggests that we take notice to wht is holding us back and let go. Only ten can we participate in the bigger scheme of things that are a part of our lives and cause change within our communities. Once we recognize our barriers, then we are to get busy and get involved with moving forward to accomplish what it is the we have set our sights on.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wk 3:Blog Post: Difficulties starting new programs/breaking the norm

Today's student needs
technology to learn!
Image from
Educators being so reluctant to change, especially with technology is a great issue at my campus. I found that even those working with special ed kids don’t want to use technology. The only thing I can think of is that these teachers are stuck on doing things their way not realizing that all kids do not learn the same and have missed the boat on using technology as a tool to increase engagement. Then the other reason is that they have not and will not learn themselves. Go figure, educators not willing to learn!!!!!!

In other industries, a new program is introduced, you get trained and you perform. Or you loose your job. Educators get to pick and chose. That is such a shame for our students.

Wk 2 Reading: We all have something to contribute

We all hav something to contribute!
Diverse backgrounds help to culminate how people perceive the world and construct information that is read and reviewed. But I personally believe that it is more than just perception that determines what is seen, but also the personality of the individual. The assumptions we make are often that of our own benefit and not the benefit of the common good of all involved. Often times, we tend to see what will benefit us or we keep our perceptions within our own comfort zones or orms rather than moving from the limitations of what is into a world of new possibilities. The text states that we perceive only sensations we are programmed to receive. Then my question is what or who are the programmers and what influence do they have on our overall thought processes and how we really perceive what we see.

Possibilities exits by the standards that are placed on situations. The fact is that we as individuals cannot possibly know and understand all the realities or situations that we are faced with in daily life. Yet we ten to measure up our situations by what we know and how we feel, again based off our perceptions. I do believe that it is true that when we take the worry out of being in control of our situations, we do tend to take more risks and experience more success than buy what we limit or the standard of measure we hold to our own capabilities.

This is also true in how we see others. In chapter 3, "Giving an A", there is a great example of we as educators must view not only our students, but also our fellow co-teachers. There must be the will to make a positive difference in the lives al all we come in contact. Though I do not agree with beginning with an A, I do believe we must give credit for effort while taking into account the final product. It si important that we realize the growth our students achieve in comparison to where they began before and after completing their assignments and assessments. Starting with an A may work best with older children and maybe with elementary level students who will strive to maintain. But something happens with 7th and 8th graders. In my personal experience, a vast majority of this age group do not try as hard so it makes it risky to start with an A and not encourage them to work hard to earn the A. Though this could me my own perception based off my personal experiences that have helped to shape my ideas on the matter.

The art of being a contributor in the world around you makes a lot of sense to me. I liked the assignment the author gave to his students to describe themselves in light of contribution. I can't help but think about my students and how they really don't understand, some of them, how important they are to the world around them. It is clear that contributing to the life of others in a positive manner casuses rewards that have no limits from within, just as the writer expressed in his visit to the center where he gave his presentation to the elderly who he helped to realize new possibilities in their own lives.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

MAC Wk2 Discussion Deeper: Podcasts in Education

I attempted to use podcasting sites that did not have a specific focus but ones that had a collection of topics from how to use and create a podcast to how they are used in the classroom to kids discovering events all around them. I hope that these podcasts listed below will provide some information necessary for all to use in their classroom.
One free program that I use in my classroom is Audacity. You can download it and it is really simple to use. The kids love being able to change their voice and add background music to their message. I use this piece when were are doing our unit on cyber bullying. The kids have to create a public service announce and present it to the class. The best one are aired on our daily announcements and go out a PSA to the school.
This is a website full of useful information on any and every subject. I chose this site because of the link http://www.squidoo.com/educationpodcast which provides a wealth of information on podcast definition and actually how to create a podcast.
http://podcasting-in-education.wikispaces.com/#x-Creating Podcasts
is a wiki that also gives detailed information on how to create a podcast while offering podcasting tutorials that are very user friendly for even the least novice individual
This website provides a wealth of podcasts and minicasts on any subject. Again even though it offers the podcast that can be used in the classroom, there are detailed instructions on how to create podcasts and minicasts and it all free.
This web site is Kathy Schrock’s guide for educators that provides a unit on podcasting in the classroom for educators. The site includes a podcasting network, resources, podcasting guides and podcasts in the classroom.
This website consists of a children’s learning network, mostly geared towards younger children, with educational podcast to use in the classroom for learning. The podcast are fun and engaging with all the appealing agents necessary for engagement of younger children.

MAC WK 2 Free Choice Blog Comment


I am almost afraid of what is ahead of me after learning all the skills that I have learned here at Full Sail. I so hate that there are still so many teachers at me school that will not embrase technology in allowing their students to be free to explore their content using technology. I am always seeking ways that students can use tools from the web to help them increase their knowledge in other classes. This year, our math scores held us back from being a recognized school and it hurt. So I will be seeking all sites possible to introduce our students to that will allow them to practice their math processes and steps for this upcoming year.

Kathleen's original Message:

Minnesota hosts a technology conference every year, usually around December, the feature workshops on how technology is used in the classroom and also sessions on how this technology affects schools and the legal issues that may come along with them. I would like to take the things I’ve learned and been able to implement in my own classes and share them with the conference goers. I think that it is important to share your successes and failures in the classroom and open up a dialogue that can help you grow as a teacher as well. 

Using technology to increase student literacy is something educators should be exploring more than we are. Kids are plugged in, wired - we need to help them gain the literacy skills they need to be successful in this world. Those skills include traditional skills and 21st century skills. My work with Full Sail has given me the tools to take what I’ve learned and done and share it with others so they too can create a technology rich environment to enhance student learning and engagement.

MAC: Wk2-2 DB Quickies: CD Ownership, Music Sharing or Spontaneous Listening

The first song/artist that touched you on an emotional level, not just a catchy tune, but something that sank in under the skin?

After the 8 Track, then came the Cassette
image from freedigitalphotos.net
Well, I mostly listened to gospel music growing up and I must say there are several songs that really stick with me but I must say two of my favorite are Your Grace and Mercy, I forget the artist right off hand. The other song is Near the Cross by Frank Williams and the Mississippi Mass Choir. Frank was killed shortly after recording with the choir but he sung as though he knew it was his last recording.
On the secular side of music, I would say songs like All this Love and I Like It by DeBarge and oh my Girl by Morris Day and the Time. Girl was a love song that Morris sang that too many people don’t know about. Also song by Roberta Flack and James Ingram The Music Never Ends. I could just go on and on.

Please feel free to comment and add more songs as you please.

MAC Blog Comment: Wk2-1 DB Quickies: CD Ownership, Music Sharing or Spontaneous Listening

My Comment to Sharon

Well Sharon I am glad that things worked out for you. I was amazing that while I was doing my copyright unit with my kids, Limewire was shut down. Me personally, I am sort of on the same vain as you with my music listening and collecting. My husband has been very instrumental in that he knows all the singers and titles of the old R&B, and Jazz and I know all the gospel. So when we put the two together we have quite a selection. I have only used itunes a couple of times, but know that I will be using it more in the future. Also, make sure you delete any Lime Wire music from your pc. Don’t want any more trouble.

Sharon's Original Message:
I love listening to a variety of music genres. I am an old school rap fanatic, and I also enjoy Hip-Hop, Gospel, Soul, Jazz, R&B and some classical music. I was an advid CD collector years ago then I discovered LIME WIRE!!! Ahhhhhh what a nightmare! First of all I was sharing more than music I found out after my computer crashed (the blue screen of death) that I was actually committing a crime and inviting all types of malware into personal computer. Now I only purchase music from iTunes. Occasionally I will pick up a CD from the mark down bin at Walmart. I have never gone back to using any illegal file sharing program since my horrible experience with Limewire.

MAC Blog Comment: Wk1 Reading: Copyright Issues Part 1: Intro to Copyright

John Carter’s Original Message
Wk1: Copyright: Interesting Paradox
Since we are talking copyright, I think of this situation.
Consider this….
My Aunt, just Passed. she has only one child who is “unavailable”, but upon her passing her legal matters were in the hands of her niece.
these links to records she sang on were found on YouTube. Who owns the rights? The record company. My Cousin, Her son, (You Tube?)
Interesting, is it not?
My response
Well John, this is an interesting paradox. There is a way to find out who has rights to your aunt’s music.
Just answer one important question, “Did she ever file for the copyright of her produced work?” If not, sadly enough, anyone can file for it.
So if this was not done, then the family needs to file the copyright, or I will and make some money. It’s that critical, no copyright can mean free game. The process and cost is well worth it.
I would hate to hear that while you were listening to the radio one day and heard the same melody sung by someone else, yet they were making the money.

MAC Blog Comment: Wk1-1 DB Quickies: DIY Classroom/Presentation Solutions

My  Comment:

Tremeris you are on point, don’t be afraid to improvise. I know that it might have seemed frustrating in the beginning but you probably did better to do it that way. You provided a visual handout and background music and a way for them to take notes if necessary. Way to go!!!!

Temeris Original Comment:

I remember doing a Powerpoint Presentation in undergrad but the software that the teacher had was outdated and I had to go to the good ‘ol paper slides to pass out to the class. On my presentation I had music to each slide but luckily I saved the playlist to my phone. So I hooked up my phone to the speakers and presented to the class that way.

Monday, June 6, 2011

MAC Wk2-2 DB Quickies: CD Ownership, Music Sharing or Spontaneous Listening

When music was real and had lasting messages!
Well, I mostly listened to gospel music growing up and I must say there are several songs that really stick with me but I must say two of my favorite are Your Grace and Mercy, I forget the artist right off hand. The other song is Near the Cross by Frank Williams and the Mississippi Mass Choir. Frank was killed shortly after recording with the choir but he sung as though he knew it was his last recording.
On the secular side of music, I would say songs like All this Love and I Like It by DeBarge and oh my Girl by Morris Day and the Time. Girl was a love song that Morris sang that too many people don’t know about. Also song by Roberta Flack and James Ingram The Music Never Ends. I could just go on and on.
And yes, I remember when CDs came on the scene. When everyone one else had CDs I was still using my cassette tapes of which I still listen to. I used to record from the radio all the time and really have some good tapes with old music. I will never get rid of them. At the time they came out, I would not purchase a cd because they were so expensive, but I now I buy and don’t think nothing about it.

Wk2 Discussion Deeper: Podcasts in Education

Sound Waves

I attempted to use podcasting sites that did not have a specific focus but ones that had a collection of topics from how to use and create a podcast to how they are used in the classroom to kids discovering events all around them. I hope that these podcasts listed below will provide some information necessary for all to use in their classroom.
One free program that I use in my classroom is Audacity. You can download it and it is really simple to use. The kids love being able to change their voice and add background music to their message. I use this piece when were are doing our unit on cyber bullying. The kids have to create a public service announce and present it to the class. The best one are aired on our daily announcements and go out a PSA to the school.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

MAC Wk2-1 DB Quickies: CD Ownership, Music Sharing or Spontaneous Listening

Easy listening!!

At present, I don't listen to as much music as I would like to but mostly I listen when riding in the car and sometimes in my classroom. The cd collection that I have consists of about 250 cd's of gospel and music from 70s -90s. The  only time I use the internet to get music is when I am creating a video for our daily announcements to add a little excitement. But for the most part, I listen to what I have and even play music while my students are working no projects. I cannot stand music with senseless rap and yelling and screaming, but love love ballads and smooth listen. Jazz is also great as well.

Wk1-1 DB Quickies: DIY Classroom/Presentation Solutions

Well, I am a Computer Literacy teacher and the use of technology is very adequate in my classroom. But I do push my students to really reach beyond their normal use of computers and try to find a learning aspect in all the games they play and searching they do while online. I use myGradebook.com to administer all my tests and I am sad to say they are going away in 2013. Using technology just provides and avenue of learning that goes beyond the scope of the intended topic. One thing I have began to do with my students when completing assignments is offering them choice in how it is presented as long as they use some form of technology like video, photostory, prezi, animoto, or any form they can use. Then I complete labs to teach them how to use the tools. I’m fortunate enough that my district works really hard to keep us online and my computer lab fully functioning. I introduced Gaggle to my district this year and we did have problems with programming in that the students were not able to acces the login prompt to Gaggle.net. Well my IT department worked diligently to get the problems resolved and the kids loved the idea of being able to blog, message and watch GaggleTube videos during class.
We are at the last days of school and one of my students came to visit me today and told me I really don’t know how much I have helped him with all that he has learned about Word, Excel, Access and Publisher. He is a student that has Specials due to learning differences he struggles with. He told me that now he is using the computer to complete work in all of his classes, including math, (way to go Excel) and he is understanding and improving in his grades. That why I teach.
I use media presentations to introduce all my topics in class and now my students try to imitate what I do. They even have their parents using the computer and now some will call me when they have a question.
So using media in my class is what I do 99% of the time. I could not function without it.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Wk 1 Wimba Session 1 MAC Intro

I just listened to the week 1 Wimba Session 1 and I tell you there was more information than I counted on. Fortunately, I have already completed my four blog posts for the week and it did help with following the wimba conversation. I also completed my lit review submission and cannot wait for the final feedback. But back to wimba, as I listened on, I saw where Mrs. Deleon broke out into a CBR session so I missed that part. But the publishing of my project sounds really exciting. I already have an idea on what my cycle 3 would look like. I am still having teachers that refuse to use or learn technology and feel they are justified by asking someone else to produce their ideas. There is still a generation of teachers who will not use or are afraid to use rich media technology but want the benefit of the availability of such technology. For instance, you want a video yet you will not take a free video class provided by the district to ensure that you understand how to create your own. Instead you ask someone else to use their time for you! Now I don't think that is right. You should learn how to use the tools then ask me for help after you have at least started. Now I think that is only fair.
Well it will be exciting to the last of my capstone website completed and graduate. There is a lot to do with 4 blogs, Projects and activities.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wk 1 Reading: Copyright Issues - A Fair(y) Use Tale

The video A Fair(y) Use Tale was an awesome presentation that I believe will truly captivate my students next year on the use of copyright. We complete a three unit on copyright and I cannot wait to use this video. In viewing, I thought of a multitude of questions that I can have prepared for my students to answer during the viewing.
It is so ironic that this issue of copyright is in such a broad arena yet hits so close to home for my community. It was here in Richardson, TX just last year a group of people was caught as one of the largest suppliers of my metroplex of bootleg cds and dvds. They had more than $300,000 of equipment when they were busted. Yet each day, as I visit my local stores, countless young men hang in front of businesses selling their cds and dvds (all bootleg). Kids today don’t see the seriousness of how copyright is affecting their lives.
I love to see the expression on my students faces when they realize that it is illegal to copy the material of someone else and also illegal to purchase it. Look at Limewire.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

MAC Week 1 Post - Why is Copyright so Hard????

Since we are reading and discussing copyright, I thought this was the perfect time to get feedback on an ongoing problem with students today. I teach 8th grade Computer Literacy and I think I really have some really great students. I teach a three week unit on Copyright where we discuss what is copyright, what can and cannot be copy-written, and fair use guidelines. Our students have a lot expected of them and are required to complete Science and History Fair projects where they must do research. The problem is when doing their research, they tend to just copy just what they see instead of rephrasing and/or siting their sources.

This really becomes a problem when they attempt to compete in district and state fairs and are often disqualified because of copyright issues. Some say they are too young to really understand that using someone else's material and claiming it as their own is not really a big problem. But they tend to understand everything else.

Please feel free to comment on this issue your thoughts and or solutions. Thanks