My Comment to Sharon
Well Sharon I am glad that things worked out for you. I was amazing that while I was doing my copyright unit with my kids, Limewire was shut down. Me personally, I am sort of on the same vain as you with my music listening and collecting. My husband has been very instrumental in that he knows all the singers and titles of the old R&B, and Jazz and I know all the gospel. So when we put the two together we have quite a selection. I have only used itunes a couple of times, but know that I will be using it more in the future. Also, make sure you delete any Lime Wire music from your pc. Don’t want any more trouble.
Sharon's Original Message:
I love listening to a variety of music genres. I am an old school rap fanatic, and I also enjoy Hip-Hop, Gospel, Soul, Jazz, R&B and some classical music. I was an advid CD collector years ago then I discovered LIME WIRE!!! Ahhhhhh what a nightmare! First of all I was sharing more than music I found out after my computer crashed (the blue screen of death) that I was actually committing a crime and inviting all types of malware into personal computer. Now I only purchase music from iTunes. Occasionally I will pick up a CD from the mark down bin at Walmart. I have never gone back to using any illegal file sharing program since my horrible experience with Limewire.
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Tuesday, June 7, 2011
MAC Blog Comment: Wk2-1 DB Quickies: CD Ownership, Music Sharing or Spontaneous Listening
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