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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wk 4 The Art of Possibility Chapters 9-12

Leaders grow Leaders
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The process of enrollment. This is such an important factor in every subject that is being taught in school. As teachers were should be compelled to enroll our students into our subjects and create that spark that will keep them, engage them and allow them to embrace new knowledge.

What I got from Being the Board is that I am my own person take responsibility for how I react to others and situations. I try to relay this message to my students on a daily basis. There was no answer in the text of this generation of students who are so vocal and reactive to their environment so my conclusion was to be the example and tell them.

Framing the Possibility is simply put embracing change to make a difference in the lives of others. The story of the little girl coming to school after chemo and the children taking her scarf off her head and laughing when the teacher shaved her head was a dramatic but life changing event for the all the students involved. But we may not have to be as dramatic as this teacher but as educator we will encounter students with unusual circumstances that often times words cannot fix but action an create an event to change the tone of everyone we come in contact with and with clarity being able to decide how.

When Telling the We Story, we are often faced with administrators that don't care about the we story. They just want the job done, so they can explain how they got to their destination using the whole. I have worked with several administrators and cannot help but point out how where I am now compared to where I was before. I am definitely in a place where we is able to reason and work together for the common goal of good of educating our students. 

Wk 4 Comment 2

Karen's original comment:

Telling the WE Story

The Art of Possibilities was a great read.  This week I enjoyed reading about The WE approach.  So many times we operate from fear and don't consider the good of all involved.  The story of the couple troubled by the woman's need for revenge and the story of Roz and her sister were reminders of how we can get stuck. It is important to reach out and take risks in our relationships.

My favorite story from Telling the WE Story was the one about South Africa and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).  I have heard of the great works of Nelson Mandela and the Rev. Desmund Tutu.  I had not heard about the TRC.   Learning that a government used this approach to begin healing relationship after apartheid was incredible.  That kind of relationship building is exactly what we need in the United States.  It is hard to believe what is true and what is not in American government.  The media seems to have its own agenda.   The US seems to be creating more distance between the classes rather than building the nation as a whole.  We have also done a lot of damage in our relationships with other foreign countries.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to have elected officials who ALL approached governance by telling the WE story.  Maybe then all citizens of the world could meet their basic needs and  have access to basic human rights like affordable education and health care.  The possibility is there.

Reading The Art of Possibility made me think of the song Imagine by John Lennon.  Imagine all the people living life in peace.  Reaching out to others, not taking ourselves to seriously, and realizing everything we need to make the world a better place is already here are the messages I will take from this book. They are the messages I will take with me as I graduate from Full Sail and move into a new phase in my life.

Marsona's Response

I enjoyed the reading this week as well. The I really related to reaching out to my students because this is something I have always done. The thing I am struggling with as they leave me going on to high school is keeping in touch with them when I there are so many educators that feel that the bond that was developed was not real and just let them go. I beg to differ though as I want to be at their high school and college graduations.

Wk 4 Comment 1

John’s Original Post
I am looking at the Publishing Leadership Project, and as I reflect on the fallacy I have labored under for 2 weeks that this was an optional project, I think to myself where the H311 Did I get this information from!! It reminds me of the value of good information, the disaster of operating under faulty information, and the blessing God has given me to have this degree the level of seriousness for this program thus far. It is truly been a ride and a few years ago, it would have eaten me alive!

But I digress…
After chatting with "Instructor B". over the parameters of the project, I am able to shake my procedural bout of “pre-project” butterflies about this thing and get into it with the same zeal I have been doing everything non-Lit Review the last year.
As I reflect on my path in the CBR, I thought very much about the twists and turns I have taken in my CBR and I would very much like to spend a little more time going into a potential course of action for a Phase Three based on the challenges that I have observedbased in my research. It would be a perfect way to add some form of personal commentary in a type of research that does not allow for any. I thought about speaking to some of that here but did a 180, as it would negate the need for me to do the Project and I would still have to do it anyway.

...Irony at it’s finest.

My Response
John, I must say that I feel your pain. Since I had my surgery last week, I did not have time for confusion and I was confused. But after listening to Wimba and reading the material, I think I have gotten this all completed. This month for me was, as some others have been, one of those that your thrust from your expected to doing what is completely unexpected and then you say Huh!!! At least that is what I did. But guess what, we did it. This project is really taking me to the next level. I will not be able to present, but will certainly strive to get my lit review published. This is really exciting.

Wk 4 MAC Final Blog Post

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Well this month has met me with possibly more challenges than most since having quite a lot to blog about, keeping up with reading, having surgery this month, making Wimba or posting a blog, presenting my CBR, and creating my paper to publish. I'm glad I hung in there this month because so many told me to drop out until next month because of surgery, but I persevered.

I have created to think out loud blogs this month and you can view and comment on the first one by just clicking on this think out loud 1 link. The next blog can be viewed and commented on by clicking on this think out loud 2 link.

And last but not least, below I have also included a link to my Leadership Publishing Project. I hope you find the information presented to be most interesting and helpful.
Leadership Publication Project Paper

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wk 4 Pt 2 Think Out Loud

image from freedigitalimages.net
Now I have looked at quite a few of the Dr. Bedard’s resources for publishing and I think I have narrowed down my search. Iste – Journal of Research on Technology in Education and Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education. Both journal give specific information on how to submit and the precise submission format, of which most, I have already completed.  Through my research, I want to show that the use of Digital Technology in the classroom will increase student engagement and help to shorten the gap of students who otherwise would not be as motivated and interested in becoming advocates of their own learning. I have provided a the link below for you to select to review my leadership project. Please comment as you please.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wk 4 Pt 1 Think Out Loud - Where Do I Want To Publish

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After reading the requirements for the Project/Leadership publishing assignments, I thought it would be best that I working on publishing an article for several reasons. One being that I had surgery and the time constraints left me just made it more appropriate for me to present. I have been looking into several journals in which to submit and did not realize just how simple it is to have my work published.  As I continue researching, I am narrowing my search down to computing and learning journals for educators. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wk 3 Blog Comment: Presentation or Paper

Pencil on Paper
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Hi Regina,

I am having the same struggle with deciding to do the Paper or Presentation as well. But as time draws closer, I think that I will have to do the paper. If you are doing the presentation, I would like to know what are you presenting. Since I am having surgery, this month, it just seems feasible for me to just do the paper. And anyway, I do have something to say. I checking to see, but I am completing my CBR on Professional Development and classroom instruction using media rich content and technology. I really think it's high time that educators embrace the fact that our students are more responsive when using technology than just using traditional book, handouts and transparencies.

Regina Henry's Original Blog Post:

The big question for me over the last two weeks has been Paper or Presentation? I know I’m not the only one that has to make this decision. It has been a long haul over the last eleven months and now it approaching twelve. I would love to have someone publish my work, but I’ve decided to present.