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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Wk1-1 DB Quickies: DIY Classroom/Presentation Solutions

Well, I am a Computer Literacy teacher and the use of technology is very adequate in my classroom. But I do push my students to really reach beyond their normal use of computers and try to find a learning aspect in all the games they play and searching they do while online. I use myGradebook.com to administer all my tests and I am sad to say they are going away in 2013. Using technology just provides and avenue of learning that goes beyond the scope of the intended topic. One thing I have began to do with my students when completing assignments is offering them choice in how it is presented as long as they use some form of technology like video, photostory, prezi, animoto, or any form they can use. Then I complete labs to teach them how to use the tools. I’m fortunate enough that my district works really hard to keep us online and my computer lab fully functioning. I introduced Gaggle to my district this year and we did have problems with programming in that the students were not able to acces the login prompt to Gaggle.net. Well my IT department worked diligently to get the problems resolved and the kids loved the idea of being able to blog, message and watch GaggleTube videos during class.
We are at the last days of school and one of my students came to visit me today and told me I really don’t know how much I have helped him with all that he has learned about Word, Excel, Access and Publisher. He is a student that has Specials due to learning differences he struggles with. He told me that now he is using the computer to complete work in all of his classes, including math, (way to go Excel) and he is understanding and improving in his grades. That why I teach.
I use media presentations to introduce all my topics in class and now my students try to imitate what I do. They even have their parents using the computer and now some will call me when they have a question.
So using media in my class is what I do 99% of the time. I could not function without it.

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