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Sunday, November 14, 2010


This weeks web 2.0 that I selected is Zoho.com. Zoho is a collaboration site that will manage all of your personal and business needs. Zoho products include, docs very similar to google docs. It has also has email, chat capabilities,  a calendar and a planner. The chat will allow you to set a page background theme, and the docs will allow you to set up a watermark. So the tools within Zoho are fun to work with.
Zoho collaboration includes in your own wiki, blog, personal and public forum.
Zoho business will allow you to virtually manage all your business needs from, meetings, recruiting, managing staff, invoices, keeping time and much much more. All of the tools can be shared with options for others to view, or edit documents. It is a great collaboration tool.

This is a really robust tool offering you many options on a personal and business needs.

The reason I picked this tool is because not only can you work from the Zoho website. At my school we have implemented a social networking tool for our students and Zoho docs is imbedded right into the tool. With Zoho docs, me and my students can create and share documents with one another. I like the fact that I can create a document, share it with my students. They can create their response to my document and save it to their digital locker for me to view and grade later. So Zoho is a tool within a tool. My students really like the fact that they can create a paper, have me view it before printing out a final copy. Also, this year, my district is really cutting back on our ability to print. Using Zoho documents for my students work gives them the opportunity to create it and save it or they can email me the zoho doc for grading. Really cuts down on printing. Also, students can share documents with one another and this is a great feature when they are creating working on projects.

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